Our teachers are highly qualified and extremely committed to the overall success of their students both academically and spiritually. They are dedicated to serve God and the children in their care. Our staff embraces the ministry of our school and dedicates themselves to the role that they have been called to serve in at St. John.
Rev. Michael Borgstede
Mrs. Katie Gundell
Mrs. Terrie Licht
Mrs. Lacey Bahr
Miss Katie Marzano
Mrs. Jessica Chambers
Mrs. Heidi Sue Mumm
Mrs. Adrienne Orlowski
Mrs. Kathleen Ward
Mrs. Julianne Kropczynski
Mrs. Maria Stainsby
Mrs. Connie Craig
Mr. Rick Lyons
Mrs. Wendy Clark
Tater the Therapy Dog
Mr. Bill Cook
Mrs. Bonnie Nevans
Mrs. Carol Szalach
Mr. Sal Ciffa
Mrs. Sandra Gannon
Ms. Bekah Borgstede
Mrs. Katelyn Pantano
Mrs. Mary Redding
Ms. Valerie Nicholas
Mrs. Melanie Richards
Mr.David Manth
Mr. Steve Parisi
St. John is part of the Eastern District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is divided into 35 districts (map of all districts)